Candidate Redelond Tsounga answers Renters United’s questions

September 18, 2022 12:17 am


Redelond Tsounga

Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward


Likely to make little difference for renters

Compare Redelond with other candidates

Renters United asked every candidate the Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward 17 questions about the issues that most concern renters in their ward. Here are Redelond Tsounga’s responses in full.

Rapid fire questions

Are you a renter? Yes
Do you own any properties? No
Do you support the Renters United Healthy Homes Commitment? Yes
Do you commit to funding tenant advocacy? Yes
Do you support councils retaining ownership an expanding supply of council housing? Yes
Will you lobby for IRRS to be extended to councils? Yes
Do you commit to densifying inner city suburbs? Yes
Will you commit to using your platform to abolish the ratepayers roll? Yes

Stable homes

What actions would you take to improve stability and security for private renters?

The main action is to advocate to central government to address rent tenure issues and raise awareness with the public about the importance of secure tenure for private renters.

How will you ensure all council tenants have security of tenure?

Review the partnership of Haumaru and the Auckland Council and assess how the new council’s social houses could be added to the reviewed model. Implement the secure tenure to ensure all Council housing provide secure tenure for all Council tenants.

What steps will you take to end homelessness in Auckland?

Homelessness we are currently witnessing is not only tied to Housing issue but in pair with other social issues. Therefore, homelessness cannot be dealt with in silos, must be addressed in conjunction with the following:
– Addiction
– Mental health
– Poverty
Actions necessary are to :
– Advocate to central government for effective addiction treatment centers that work, rehabilitation centers in the city and provide healthier homes.
– Support increased funding investment for addiction service providers, Auckland City Mission.
– Advocate for an addiction acute treatment and rehabilitation center in Mt Roskill to service and help homeless on dominion road.
– Acute Mental health treatment center in Mt Roskill

Meaningful enforcement

If elected, would you take steps to tackle persistent bad landlords who do not meet their obligations to renters in your area? If so, what?

Yes it necessary to hold landlords accountable for their actions. Therefore, increase resources to Council’s regulatory and enforcement departments to assist in this area.

What do you think Council should do to address power imbalance between landlords and tenants? If nothing, why?

The council should advocate law changes with the central government and work with tenant advocacy groups and local boards to find local solutions.

Fair rent

Would you advocate for additional powers or resources from Central Government to address the housing crisis (such as legislating for Rent Control), if so what and how?

I have been advocating for communities in Albert-Eden and Puketapapa to access decent, healthier and affordable housing. Therefore, I will advocate to central government to include more social and affordable housing as part of urban development areas. Ensure housing as a human rights. Introduce rent control through increased intensification of housing which would reduce demand and supply and therefore stabilize the renting market.

What do you think are the main reasons rents in Auckland are increasing? How would you ensure rents in Auckland are affordable?

Rent increase in Auckland is due to the following factors: Population increase, high demand of housing, short supply supplier, tax and private and corporate developers’ greed for profit.

Safe and healthy homes

What actions (in contrast to or in conjunction with our Healthy Homes Commitment) would you take to improve the quality of private rental housing in your ward and in your city?

Support local boards investing in schemes specifically aimed at renters to access subsidies and programs that can improve the standard of housing, with the landlord’s support. This needs to be backed up with Enforcement, law and regulation changes.

Anything else you want to share?

Ensure housing to be a human rights.

Redelond Tsounga

Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward


Likely to make little difference for renters

Compare Redelond with other candidates

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Authorised by Geordie Rogers,

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