Candidate Pippa Coom answers Renters United’s questions
Pippa Coom
Waitematā & Gulf Ward
Likely to make things better for renters
Compare Pippa with other candidatesRenters United asked every candidate the Waitematā & Gulf Ward 17 questions about the issues that most concern renters in their ward. Here are Pippa Coom’s responses in full.
Rapid fire questions
Are you a renter? No
Do you own any properties? Yes
Do you support the Renters United Healthy Homes Commitment? Yes
Do you commit to funding tenant advocacy? Yes
Do you support councils retaining ownership an expanding supply of council housing? Yes
Will you lobby for IRRS to be extended to councils? Yes
Do you commit to densifying inner city suburbs? Yes
Will you commit to using your platform to abolish the ratepayers roll? Yes
Stable homes
What actions would you take to improve stability and security for private renters?
Advocacy to central government to address security of tenure issues and raising awareness locally to highlight the benefits to everyone from secure tenure for private renters.
How will you ensure all council tenants have security of tenure?
Review how the partnership with Haumaru is working (A joint venture between Auckland Council and The Selwyn Foundation currently managing 1,400 units for older people with a housing need) and support looking at how new social housing can be added to that portfolio or managed in other similar community partnership approaches.
What steps will you take to end homelessness in Auckland?
I will continue to support the funding of Housing First and the work of agencies such as the Auckland City Mission and Lifewise working directly with rough sleepers and the homeless. I successfully advocated for Auckland Council to contribute $5m to the building of the Mission’s HomeGround. I also support council funded services to address homelessness and specialist staff.
Meaningful enforcement
If elected, would you take steps to tackle persistent bad landlords who do not meet their obligations to renters in your area? If so, what?
Increase resources to Council’s regulatory and enforcement departments to assist in this area.
What do you think Council should do to address power imbalance between landlords and tenants? If nothing, why?
Work with tenant advocacy groups and local boards to find local solutions as well as advocating for central government law changes.
Fair rent
Would you advocate for additional powers or resources from Central Government to address the housing crisis (such as legislating for Rent Control), if so what and how?
Advocate to government (via Kāinga Ora) to include more social and affordable housing as part of urban development areas (eg the land around the new Mt Eden/Maungawhau station).
What do you think are the main reasons rents in Auckland are increasing? How would you ensure rents in Auckland are affordable?
Rents are rising for a range of reasons but mainly because of the shortage of housing. Rents can be made more affordable by addressing the shortage of housing, including upzoning close to employment and study opportunities. Importantly household incomes need to rise and transport costs reduced.
Safe and healthy homes
What actions (in contrast to or in conjunction with our Healthy Homes Commitment) would you take to improve the quality of private rental housing in your ward and in your city?
Support council (via local boards) investing in schemes specifically aimed at renters to access subsidies and programmes that can improve the standard of housing, with the landlord’s support. This needs to be backed up with law and regulation changes, and enforcement to give those rules teeth.
Anything else you want to share?
There is a lot more potential to support affordable urban living in the city centre. I support making the city centre more attractive, vibrant and safe for all residents including renters.
Pippa Coom
Waitematā & Gulf Ward
Likely to make things better for renters
Compare Pippa with other candidatesIf you are a candidate or representative of a candidate and wish to correct or elaborate on the information please contact
Authorised by Geordie Rogers,
About the author:
In: Auckland, Elections 2022. .
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